"Emotional Freedom Techniques, which is otherwise known as tapping, is one of my favourite tools."
— Gabrielle Bernstein, author, life coach, motivational speaker
What is EFT?
And what can I expect from a session?
"Willa was exceptional in helping me create some necessary shifts in my life. She’s compassionate, intuitive, and non-judgmental. Bottom line … she really cares! My time with her was definitely well spent and I highly recommend her!!" JW
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), more commonly known as tapping, is an easy to learn self-help method that uses gentle finger tapping on acupressure points on the upper body. We tap while naming out loud the stress or discomfort we're experiencing and want to release. It is an elegant blend of energy work, body awareness, and mindfulness and is scientifically proven to lower levels of cortisol in the body.
Similar to how you would tell a dentist where it hurts so they can focus their attention on alleviating your pain, in EFT we initially focus on what's bothering us so we can tune in to the problem in order to shift and release it.
The experience of EFT is an unhitching of the current emotional reaction from past, present, or future experiences. We can then think of an event without being upset by it - it no longer triggers us. The body then doesn't go into a fight/flight/freeze response when a certain thought or trigger comes to mind.
When we're not being constantly hijacked by stress and emotions, we think more clearly, have more energy, the body is more at ease, we have access to creativity, feel inspired and capable, and laugh more.
EFT can help with:
stress relief
limiting beliefs
feeling stuck
pain in the body
creating change
fears, phobias, anxiety
decision making
inspiration and creativity
sadness, grief, and loss
weight issues
self-worth issues
racing thoughts/over-busy mind
and more ...
What to expect from a session
We'll connect to each other via Zoom from your computer, tablet, or even phone; whatever has a camera and microphone. During our first session I'll gather some information from you to help me understand you better, we'll check in on how you're doing, what it is you want to work on, and what are your goals. We'll assess how strongly you're being affected by what's currently troubling you and whether or not there is a corresponding discomfort in your body. Then we'll begin to use EFT.
While we tap gently on the acupressure points, which are mostly located on the head and upper body, I'll lead you through - in a call-and-response format - several rounds to shift the discomfort of whatever you've brought to the session. I'll do plenty of checking in with you to see how you're doing and to adapt to any changes that have occurred. The process continues, repeating rounds of tapping until the issue becomes completely neutral or close to it, until you feel at ease again in your body and more at peace.
Throughout, my attention to your words and body language, and my intuition, guide me
to help you move safely and successfully through the process.
People you probably know
who have used EFT:
Wayne Dyer
Louise Hay
Prince Harry
Christiane Northrup
Gabrielle Bernstein
Jack Canfield
Colette Baron Reid
Iyanla Vanzant
Bruce Lipton
Cheryl Richardson
Whoopi Goldberg
I am very grateful for the EFT and Matrix Reimprinting support and guidance
I have received from:
Bette Nuss
Susan Bushell
Sharon King
Karl Dawson
Alina Frank
Craig Weiner
Caroline Dawson
Useful Links
Here is a link to a free manual from EFT International https://eftinternational.org/discover-eft-tapping/free-eft-manual/
If you're into science and research, this link will take you to a site that keeps up to date on all the latest findings with regard to EFT
An article on EFT appeared in the Toronto Star January 2019
To learn about Gary Craig, the founder of EFT

"Willa Paterson is a very compassionate and insightful human being. With her careful guidance you will uncover those resistant patterns that unconsciously hold you hostage. Her intuitive nature and gentle way hold you safe and let you uncover what has been hidden. I highly recommend everyone see for yourself what journeys she could make possible for you." RM