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Internationally Accredited EFT Practitioner


My work is to help you get UNSTUCK. 


You want to move forwards

with your life

feeling more motivated,

to offer your gifts and skills to the world, and to feel fulfilled.


You want to feel more like yourself. 


We all get stuck from time to time 

and it's not a fun place to be.


Working together, with presence,

specific questioning,

and the energy techniques

 EFT (tapping) and Matrix Reimprinting,

I'll help you get out of the muck 

and back on track.


I love helping people,

women especially,

let go of the old stories so they can reclaim their worth

and live the life they feel they are meant to.

"Willa has a way of creating space and seeing and sensing her client. Working from my own home felt safe and encouraged me to continue this practice beyond our calls. Willa pauses to allow me to hear my own wisdom and she is kind in how she non-judgmentally coaxes me to a deeper understanding of myself. These sessions have become my golden ticket to healing, rewiring, and truly feeling connected to myself. I have spent much time and money on coaching and courses, but nothing has connected me more to my inner child and my highest self like Willa’s EFT sessions have.  I am beyond grateful for her wisdom, dedication, and ability to share her gifts."    MB


"Based on impressive new discoveries regarding the body’s subtle energies, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) has been proven successful in thousands of clinical cases. It applies to just about every emotional, health and performance issue you can name and it often works where nothing else will."   


 -  Bruce Lipton,

author of The Biology of Belief

My training

EFT Practitioner 2017
Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner 2018
Matrix Birth Reimprinting Practitioner 2018
Matrix Past Life Reimprinting 2019
Tapping Out Of Trauma 2019
Picture Tapping 2021
Grief Training 2022

Working with Me

You feel stuck and want to get back on track.

You're lacking the motivation to move forward.

You notice you're procrastinating.

You're not 100% clear what your goals are.

You Are clear what your goals are but the thought of moving towards them scares you.

You feel overwhelmed.

Your inner critic voice is a 'bit loud'.

You wonder why you keep getting in your own way.

You're aware you have limiting beliefs.

You doubt yourself and play small.

You know deep down that you're capable of more and have gifts and skills you want to share with the world!


More inspired











Working together, using simple, repeatable techniques, we'll first clarify where you're stuck and what you hope to achieve once you're unstuck. Then we'll approach the blocks to getting there and dissolve them.


I am committed to helping you get back on track, feeling inspired again about your life, and ready to take action steps!

Our work together will help you move from feeling confused, locked up, or spun to a state of clarity, grace, and inspired action. You will be clearer about where you want to go and what's holding you back, AND you will learn tools to help you break through those blocks.

Every time.

You are so much more than the stress in your body, the beliefs you've come to accept as truth, or the hurt and upset in your heart. Working together, we will help you regain access to your joy and vitality, inner strength and creativity, and move more fully into the life you are meant to live.

To be able to assist someone in their transformation, so that we all benefit from the gifts they bring to the world, is hugely inspiring for me and makes me very grateful.

Are you feeling stuck?

Would you love to move forward with your life?


"Willa, thank you very much for your time. I have this sense of inner peace that is familiar yet I haven't felt in a long time. I feel that I can attribute part of this to you and the tapping and I am extremely grateful. Our journey is so clearly about compassion and acceptance and it begins with ourselves. Thank you for helping me connect back with accepting myself."    JG

About Me
Work with me

Work with me

I work one-on-one via Zoom video conferencing. I've found this to be just as effective as in-person and, it allows us to connect wherever you are from the comfort of your own surroundings.  


$100 CAD - one hour session

$255 CAD - 3 sessions

                 (for first-timers)


To book a session, please use the contact form below.

If you have any questions, or are interested in a free 15 min discovery call to help us decide if we're a good fit, please use the contact form below to arrange a time for us to chat.

Thank you for your interest!

"EFT works, and it works fast."    

Jack Canfield  - author, motivational speaker

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